January 20, 2021 – A Day In Infamy As Well

A new United Socialist States of America,,,


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Well, as much as I thought I could not stomach Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration, I did watch it after all. And yes, I became very emotional throughout it all. As I watched the unfolding of this magnanimous spectacle, the swearing-in of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, the pomp, the pageantry, I had tears in my eyes only because I could not, in my mind, reconcile the grandeur of the moment with the hypocrisy that such stateliness could be disingenuously used to swear-in the 2nd Socialist / Communist President of the United States of America; the swearing of a man and a Party who have candidly, blatantly, and acquiescently clamored to embrace a political system which directly contravenes the democratic ideals exemplified by the imposingness of the moment.

Notwithstanding all the pompousness surrounding this inauguration, what tickled my fancy the most was Lady Gaga’s signature singing of our National Anthem. Her pompous dress and her dramatic, à la Eva Perón performance, was a befitting addition to the circus.

Biden’s inaugural speech, calling for, of all things, “unity” was, the epitome of an irony. By most accounts, his speech was mundane at best, a highly manicured oration catering to the moment at worse. Biden’s unity pleas were quintessentially controversial, considering all the diabolic incitements, the provocations, the hate-mongering, and the rage which the spiteful Democratic Party has embodied and embraced throughout the past four years since day one of the Trump presidency.

When was the last time in the past four years that we heard a single member of the Democratic Party call for unity, for harmony, for accord? Today’s extravaganza was but an ultimate show of hypocrisy at its best. To the best of my recollection, all I have listened to each day over the past for years from every single one in the Democratic Party, has been the spewing of hate, the spewing of racial divide, of class separatism, of jealousies, envies, and distrust but now you want “unity”, right? Ever heard the metaphor “when the shoe is on the other foot.” Well, the shoe is on the other foot now, is it not? How about a little taste of your own medicine?

As I watched this Marxist Junta’s puppet being sworn-in, my heart was wrenched as I could not help being ominously reminded of who were swearing in. We were, in my mind, swearing-in Obama’s errand boy – that is who we were swearing-in; we were swearing-in the archetypal Swamp animal; we were swearing-in Washington’s king of quid-pro-quo – a man, who, together with his son and family used his post as vice-president of the United States to divest millions of dollars for his self-endowment from, of all places, Communist China, Ukraine, Russia and other enemy-states – talk about hypocrisy and double-standards.
My dear friends, followers, on December 8th, 1941, then President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered his iconic speech in which referred to the prior day’s invasion of Pearl Harbor by the Imperial Navy of Japan as: “a day that will live in infamy.” I say that, today, January 20th, 2021 will be “another day that will live in infamy.”

As described by dictionaries, lexicons, and thesauruses, the words “inaugural” and “inauguration” are typically defined as: “the beginning or introduction of a system, a policy, or a period” – ever I have known of a better suited definition to the occasion. Today’s presidential inauguration epitomizes the meaning of these words as, indeed, today, marks the beginning or introduction of a system, a policy, and a period. The system – a Marxist / Communist State; the policy – an authoritarian police-state; the period – a new United Socialist States of America.

And yes, today marks yet another “first” – the first woman, the first black woman, the first black Communist woman as vice-president, and soon to-be next President of the United States of America. How about that for a “first.”? Yes folks, today, January 20th, 2021 – a new day which will live in infamy – a day which makes Pearl Harbor pale in comparison. Hail to the Chief! May God save us and may God save the United States of America.


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