COVID-19 – A Manufactured Pandemic? is incumbent on the rest of us; it is incumbent on the rest of the world to demand from this communist Joe Biden administration to get to the bottom of what happened.


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COVID-19 – A Manufactured Pandemic, Maybe?
By: Obie Usategui

My dear friends, followers, I think it is fair to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a far-more reaching impact on humanity than the current world death toll, now standing at 3.48 million and counting, with estimates projected to go as high as 7.4 million by the time it is all over. Of this total, our United States takes the unenviable position, of being the nation with the highest number of deaths with approximately 590K thousand reported thus far.

COVID-19 ranks as the 9th worse pandemic in history. Notwithstanding the tragic loss of lives, it is also fair to say that the overall worldwide impact of this pandemic has been nothing short than devastating. I dare say, however, sizing the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic will be, for all intents and purposes, practically impossible, mostly a result of a lack of metrics and/or the inability of many nations to accurately measure the extent of the damages incurred.

A quick fact-checking exercise, as of this writing, reveals some gruesome statistics, inclusive but not limited to the following:

✔ The largest global recession in history.
✔ Largest decline in stock markets worldwide.
✔ Every advanced economy in the world sank into a recession or depression.
✔ Global unemployment reaching peak levels throughout the world.

In the U.S., [the] worse affected country in the world, the fact-checking exercise had the added-value of a nation capable of analyzing and reporting data in much more detail and sophistication than the rest of the world, even so, there is a consensus that the extent of the damage may not be fully assessed for years to come. Meantime, we do know the following:

✔ The U.S. GDP [Gross Domestic Product] decreased 3.5% – lowest since 1946.
✔ Nearly 25 million Americans went on Unemployment.
✔ The U.S. economy lost 9.4 million jobs.
✔ 74% of small business in the U.S. reported having economic problems, many having to shut down and/or go bankrupt.

It is a well-known fact also that the pandemic pushed hundreds of millions of people into poverty with some estimates even suggesting as many a half a billion people throughout the world could fall below the poverty line. Some analysts go a far as estimating the pandemic wiped away 30 years of progress in moving people out of poverty. None of these statistics however can measure with any degree of accuracy the psychological damages ensuing from the forced lock-downs, the social distancing, or otherwise our complete change in lifestyles.

Again, our generation may never know the full extent of damages caused by this pandemic – the point being, at this stage in the history of mankind, would it not be fair to the world, and more so to the United States of America to find out in detail, in no uncertain terms, who, how, when. and where is responsible for all the damage caused?

Democrats did go to extremes to investigate hoaxes such as the alleged Trump’s Russia-collusion in the 2016 presidential elections where millions of taxpayers’ dollars were spent chasing a non-existent, a fabricated complicity case. Meantime, the Biden administration, continues to give Communist China, a free-pass in their role and responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic. Absolutely repulsive, disgusting, and hideous if you ask me.

I guess we have all heard the saying: “All roads lead to Rome”, have we not? Well, in this COVID -19 pandemic, there are all kinds of circumstantial evidence suggesting and/or leading us to believe that the origin of the virus took place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab, located in Wuhan, China.

Originally, as we may all recall, then President Donald Trump, was outspoken, while in a speech he made to the U.N. General Assembly on September 22, 2020, he sought to blame China for the pandemic. Trump, speaking in a video address from the White House, referred to the disease as the “China Virus” and implied that Beijing and the World Health Organization had worked in tandem to cover-up the dangers of the pandemic.

Ironically, as expected, the COVID-19 or Coronavirus, was not immune to the habitual politicization that communists are used to anytime they have something to hide. To democrats and to a degenerate, corrupt, and perverted U.S. media, the fact that Trump had blamed China for the pandemic right-off-the-bat, was sufficient for all of them to disavow China’s responsibility, as Trump’s culpability claims were quickly discarded as a “debunked” conspiracy theory – some in the fake-news media going as far as siding with China against the U.S. in who was to take blame and responsibility for the virus – no wonder we are we are today.

It is common knowledge that, since the first signs of the pandemic outbreak back in December 2019, the Chinese Communist Party went into an all-out suppression / repression mode to cover-up the truth of their role and responsibility of the pandemic. As expected from all communist systems, “the end justifies the means.” The COVID-19 pandemic was no exception to this rule. Right from the get-go, all kinds of mysterious happenings took place, including but not limited to the sudden and strange disappearance of Chinese scientists, the silencing of doctors and all kinds of unexplained happenings took place. Chinese authorities censored information regarding the virus and outright blockaded the world from accessing first-hand information about the outbreak – all the more reasons to suspect their culpability as to the origins of the virus.

If you remember, some of the diversions included Beijing’s official lie that all cases had been infected by an unidentified animal, a bat maybe, at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. Today, in hindsight, experts agree, had the Chinese been truthful and honest about the outbreak, it could have possibly saved many lives. Then again, what is another 7 million deaths to a system that has killed more than 100 million people over the course of history?

All along, since we first became aware of this deadly pandemic, there have been some key players whose role in the bigger scope of things are, to this day, dubious at best, and/or outright incriminating at worse. Take for example the role played by the World Health Organization [WHO]. The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. In a news conference at the White House, Trump directed his administration to halt the funding of WHO for the latter’s role while severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.

For the record only, since 2010, the U.S. has issued grants to WHO totaling over $3.5 billion dollars, of which only $611 million were for assessed dues, meaning the U.S. government voluntarily sent WHO, an additional $2.9 billion of yours and mine taxpayers’ dollars. Question is: Where did our dollars end up at? With this kind of healthy budget allowance, it would have been reasonable to expect that this, presumably, highly prolific and well-intended organization, could have very well prevented the leaking of the COVID virus at best and/or at worse would have taken the time to investigate the cause of the pandemic.

Paradoxically, WHO willingly took China’s assurances and deceptions for face value and defended the actions of the Communist Chinese government going as far as even praising China for its transparency. WHO’s Director Tedros Adhanom disgracefully praised China’s outbreak responsiveness thus aiding and abetting the spread of the virus.

Meantime, back in the country most impacted by the pandemic, back in our own United States, the communist administration of Joe Biden and his cronies, wasted no time, in reversing Trump’s actions towards finding out the truth and holding those responsible accountable. Ironically, one of Biden’s first changes or reversal of policies upon taking the office of President was to reconstitute funding to the WHO – a reward for the well-done job by these hypocrites in the pandemic. Moreover, Joe Biden’s team shut-down a closely held State Department initiative launched late in the Trump administration by ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo aimed to prove that the coronavirus had been a man-originated virus in a Chinese lab.

Finally, in a series of recently disclosed news regarding this extremely sensitive topic, we learned that, believe it or not, the U.S. may have, in fact, indirectly funded the Chinese in the development of the virus. As recently as yesterday, Tuesday, May 25th, the king of demagogues, our own lead immunologist, Anthony Fauci, told lawmakers that $600,000 were earmarked for the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci went on to say that the funds were sent through a non-profit Alliance by the name of EcoHealth. Ironically, EcoHealth’s President Peter Daszak drafted a statement defending China in a letter authored by some 27 scientists strongly condemning conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 did not have a natural origin.

To add insult to injury, Joe Biden’s communist administration is suggesting for EcoHealth’s President to team-up  with WHO, to conduct the infamous investigation on what triggered the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you believe this? In other words, you have all heard the commonality of the term “person-of-interest” as used when referring to a suspect in a criminal investigation, have you not? Well, can you even imagine, asking a “person-of-interest” in any case to auto-investigate themselves and/or further incriminate themselves. Ridiculous and outrageous, is it not? But…then again, that is what we have come to be in this great nation.

In summary, dear friends, followers. I want to apologize to you for over-extending myself, but along with all that is going on in our nation today, I just find it appalling that this administration, is just willing to let it all ride. So, what if 7 million people are likely to die from this COVID pandemic? And, what if, because of this coronavirus, our nation lost billions of dollars? What if people’s lives have been forever changed? What if you were a small business owner and lost it all because of the pandemic? What about the thousands who opted to take their lives? What about the children who lost their school year?

What about it Joe Biden? What about it you democrats? What have you got to say to answer these and many other questions? What about all of you pandering to our worse enemy in the world, to a communist nation whose foremost motivation is global expansionism, which includes but it is not limited to outperforming the United States every which possible way.

Look folks, while neither myself nor anyone else for that matter, can know for certain how, when and where the COVID-19 pandemic started. What we do know for sure, on the other hand, is that, it is not beyond any communist country, more so a Communist China to have gone as far as manufacturing a virus, so as to take revenge for the hard-line policies taken by former President Donald Trump in his unending efforts to defend our nation against the global dominance of China as previously allowed for by former democratic administrations.

We also know as well that, today, as we speak, the United States is being systematically transformed into yet another Communist State, thus catering to China’s whims in their efforts to gain control of the world, albeit then, gladly looking-the-other-way, in what could have well been an unfathomable, if not altogether probable attempt to use biological warfare as a means to testing their powers to takeover our great nation and the rest of the world.

Whether or not the COVID-19 was a China manufactured virus, or whether it was an innocent or an unintentional escape in from Chinese laboratory, remains to be seen. Regardless, one way or the other, it is incumbent on the rest of us; it is incumbent on the rest of the world to demand from this communist Joe Biden administration to get to the bottom of what happened. To do so Mr. Biden, said investigation must be conducted by an independent, unrelated andunbiased body – not by the perpetrators themselves and/or by a cabal of Beijing’s puppets – all sucking-up to Communist China, as well as you and your son Hunter did for many years. May God save us and may God save the United States of America.


  1. Obie; Excellent and accurate description of what might even could be seen as an act of war. Whether the release of the virus was accidental or on purpose the fact that the truth was hidden, and China took measures of self preservation while letting the rest of the world suffer did much damage to the US their most feared antagonist. To boot it made Biden president an ally by choice or blackmail because of him and family deals with them. And the press???

  2. Thanks a lot Fernando. I cannot say for sure if the Chinese purposely or inadvertently allowed the Virus to escape their lab. Regardless though, in the end, it was them [the Chinese] that originated and caused the unfathomable damage, the millions of deaths, the famine, the economic devastation, etc. In my opinion, the international community, should make them pay for their responsibility. Then again, the world, beginning with the US, panders and caters to them. It is all about the money, regardless that the world is just helping the leading Communist nation in the world in their global expansionist plans. At this rate, I honestly fear for the future of mankind. Just look at where we are in the U.S. Need I say anymore? Thank you Fernando. Always appreciate your valuable input my friend.


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