Saturday, July 27, 2024

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The Newest Terrorist Group Threatening the U.S.

If you have been watching Fox News as of late, you may have noted that, all throughout the past two weeks, the border situation has...

Cleaning House!

Yes, the start of another year. Politically speaking, more of the same I am sorry to say, and I am not exactly referring to...

What am I missing here?

My narrative today is directed to all of you,...

A Light at the End of the Tunnel

Amidst all the turmoil, the chaos, the mayhem that...

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A Pause in the War on Israel – Really?

Case you have not noticed, in-vogue, the fashionable, and the politically correct thing...

American Jews Backing Palestinians

Is it my imagination or, don’t you find, as I do, that, for the...

War on Israel or on the World?

If you really think for a moment that the War on Israel was one...

A Lesson from the War on Israel

Other than proving to the world what evil is all about, the War on...

My Personal Letter to Joe Biden

Dear Mr. Biden: What is it with you? From the very minute you took the...

Israel was attacked with our taxpayer’s dollars

As we all know, the Palestinian militant terrorist movement Hamas, launched an all-out war...

McCarthy’s Failed Promises

On the topic of the hour, the ousting of Speaker Kevin McCarthy, I am...

Goodbye Kevin!

Yes, about 30 minutes ago, Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted on a...

Fake Impeachment Inquiry

So, I spent my entire day yesterday glued to the T.V. watching the first...