January 6th – The Communist Takeover

...you may want to circle today’s date, January 6th, 2021 as a crucial milestone in the history of this great nation. A new chapter, the day that “Communism” finally took over this great nation.


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My dear friends, followers, like they say, I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Our worse fears did come through. Our loss of both Senate races in Georgia kind of sealed-the-deal for our nation’s future – this, followed by today’s futile attempt to overturn the election results, notwithstanding whatever irregularities did or did not take place on November 3rd, marks a new chapter in American history.

Matter of fact, you may want to circle today’s date, January 6th, 2021 as a crucial milestone in the history of this great nation. A new chapter, the day that “Communism” finally took over this great nation. The day that Communism arrived in the United States of America via democratically sanctioned elections, much like what happened in Venezuela when they elected Communist Hugo Chavez as their president on December 6th, 1998.

Today, I am sorry to say, should truly be a day of mourning where flags should be flown at half-mast. About time we all take our blindfolds off. With or without fraud, the general elections of November 3rd, and Georgia’s elections yesterday, speak volumes as to where we are as a nation. Let us not kid ourselves anymore friends. Most Americans want Communism, albeit many cannot even spell the word or know what the hell this system all is about.

If you have followed my blogs, over the past few years, you have heard me, time and time again question why in the world does not anyone want to use the word “Communism” to describe all that is going on. Well, among other things, the Democrat’s well-organized propaganda machinery has made sure that mainstream Americans drank the Kool-Aid. They have made sure that everyone, including but not limited to the most iconic radio, and T.V. personalities refrain from calling a spade a spade. For the past twenty years, Democrats have ingeniously fabricated a lexicon of pseudonyms, such as Liberals, Leftists, Socialists, Progressives, Radicals, you name it – everything but Communism.

Then again, let us not forget this is exactly what happened in Cuba with Castro’s Revolution. If you think about it, there is a rather simple explanation for the egregious substitution. The words “Communist” and “Communism”, do have a loaded aura of negative connotations which many fear, still to this day, from back in the days of McCarthyism in the 1950’s when Joseph McCarthy started the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason when related to Communism, thus the anecdotal Democrats’ crusades to suppress, disguise, and camouflage the use of the terms Marxism and Communism.

One year after Fidel Castro’s takeover of Cuba in 1959, he did come out and openly proclaimed he was a Communist and endorsed Communism as Cuba’s new system of government. Well, do not be at all surprised if, before not too long, the same happens here, more especially now that there is nothing standing in their way. Why not? I would not be surprised at all if they, as did Fidel Castro, finally come out of their political closet and openly recognize and acknowledge their true allegiance to a Marxist / Communist ideology.

So, call it what they may, now that the Communist Democrats will have unobstructed control of the presidency and the two Houses of Congress, what can we expect or what is in store for us, for you and me in terms of policy changes? Well, let me just start by saying, for one, you can expect some dramatic and radical changes from the get-go, right out of the gate. Suffice it say, they will try and revert or go back on anything and everything that Trump stood for. You can expect for an immediate reversal of Trump’s tax cuts; for Trump’s border wall to come tumbling down; for millions of illegal and DACA immigrants to gain immediate legal status, including but not limited to MS-13 gang members and many other criminals. You can expect the packing of the Supreme Court.

You will most likely see all kinds of new elections reforms, such as the elimination of the electoral college and new gerrymandering territories, including the possible creation of new states – all aimed at insuring absolute dominance in future elections. You can expect for some rather resilient gun laws, maybe an all-together ban of guns in the country. You can expect for the Communist Democrats to end “filibustering” where although a bill might have majority support, a minority of 41 or more senators can still prevent a final vote through endless debate, effectively defeating the bill.

You may expect for Obamacare to come-back strong and for many to forfeit the right to choose their doctors and their coverage. You may expect for “climate control” and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal to be a forefront issue governing state and local policies on just about everything affecting our daily lives, to wit, you will see a virtual and complete departure from fossil fuels paving the way for a reversal to oil and crude dependency in Oil Cartels around the world.

In international and foreign policies, you will see an expeditious detachment from our close ties with Israel and much closer relations with rogue enemy-states, including Iran. You can expect an undoing of Trump’s historic Middle East Peace Agreement, where Arabs, Israelis, Muslims, Jews, and Christians were finally coming together, side by side, to live in harmony, community, and peace. You can expect for Korea’s Kim Jong-Un to restart his nuclear missile testing. And, finally, you can expect for Communist China to continue their globalist expansion with greater clout on the future of the U.S.

Again, all the to begin right from the start, which I chose to label as Phase I of the new regime. This Phase should take place during the 1st year of the Biden and/or Harris presidency. Shortly thereafter followed by a Phase II, one which, as true with every other Communist state, personal liberties are severely curbed, restricted, and eventually taken out of the equation – a Phase where government will be in complete and utter control of our lives, of our freedoms. Government will decide what we can or cannot do; what we can or cannot say. Government will decide for us. This, dear friends, is what Communism is all about. Nothing new, I am afraid. Maybe unknown to the millions of Useful Idiots that elected these clowns, but nothing new to those of us who have been exposed to this heinous system – to this political pandemic that has killed many more than COVID-19 and all pandemics in history put together.

In my last article, an “Inspirational Message” written last Monday, January 4th, I wrote about a “shining star” which usually shines after “chaos in one’s life.” Well, ask you may, can we still look forward to that shining star? To that light at the end of the tunnel? Answer is yes, we can – matter of fact, now more than ever before. Let me tell you what my hope is. My hope is that America and Americans will wake up from our twenty-year sleep à la Rip Van Winkle. As per the old saying, we can look at the glass half empty or half full. We can see today, January 6th, as the first day of a gloomy era, or we can see the glass half full and see it as a new start where the 74,222,593 of us who voted for Donald Trump are sufficiently mad and sufficiently awaken to reclaim our country back. Today, may be our shining star day after all. Your choice. God save us and God save the United States of America.


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