Rooting for Biden

If you all think Biden is as bad for our nation as I think he is, I got news for you.


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Guess what? I am rooting for Joe Biden to stay in office for the next four years. Ever thought you hear me say anything like that? Bet you did not, did you? Think I have lost my mind, don’t you? Before you pass judgement, just wait till you finish reading this article.

If you all think Biden is as bad for our nation, which I for one think he is, I got news for you. Biden may be a “blessing-in-disguise after all compared to how bad it would be if Kamala Harris, the laughing hyena were to become President. Guaranteed her becoming President would make Biden look like the male version of Mother Teresa.

Let me expand, if you will, on the point I am trying to make. First and foremost, let me be very clear, neither Biden nor Harris is any good. Having said that, here is why I think Harris is the worse of the two alternatives. As far as Biden is concerned, let us just say his danger is more relative to his stupidity more so than anything else. Biden’s Socialist / Communist inclines are more a byproduct of say, a go-with-the-flow type of idealism, which has more to do with saying and doing what others want to hear, more so than anything else – your quintessential Swamp animal affliction.

In Biden’s universe of “Convenience Communists”, saying the right thing at the right time is the politically correct thing to do; aligning and positioning yourself however which way you can to expeditiously escalate the ladder of wealth and power is at the heart of their political strategy. Many in this garden variety of politicians, are out to self-serve their personal agendas and platforms – all about getting rich quickly. Politics is a business really, forget about their sworn duty and obligation to represent “We-The-People.” It is not about us; it is all about them.

In the case of this clown Biden, just think about it, the man has been in the “political business” for 48 years since back in the day when he first took a Senate seat on January 3rd, 1973. In all the time he has been in politics, he managed to climb all the way to the top, first a Senator, then as Vice-President and now as President. And, while I am not going to dwell in what can be easily characterized as an “inconsequential” Swamp Animal politician, he did indeed achieve the success and objective which all these “Animals” strive for, to wit, getting filthy rich, at our expense. Let us face it friends, at the end of the day, politics is a business – a dirty business at that.

Time for a friendly reminder to all of you in my reading audience. Forget about Communism and forget all that this clown is doing wrong for the country in his first 100 days in office. Just a few weeks back, most headlines had our president-elect, this Joe Biden character allegedly associated to a family Ponzi Scheme whereby he [Biden] and his “crack-addict” son Hunter received zillions of dollars from, of all people, Communist China. Talk about corruption, immorality, and dishonesty; talk about Quid-Pro-Quos.

So…to the point I am trying to make, more than a Communist, per say, Biden is a corrupt, dishonest, and immoral animal – maybe not as stupid as we are making him out to be, considering all the money he has made in the business. But today’s narrative is not so much about Biden, per say, and how he got to be President, nor is it about his corruption – that being the subject of another article altogether. Today’s talking-point is about the dangers presented should this Kamala Harris snake were to become President of the United States. What could it mean for you and I – can you imagine?

Well, I will say this much, the odds for this Harris to make it to the Presidency are a lot higher than what any of us are ready to concede. To begin with, it is no secret to anyone, Biden is not firing on all cylinders. At 78 years old, he is 3 years past today’s average life expectancy. And, while many at his age, are still lucid, Biden, on the other hand, continues to show unquestionable signs of mental deterioration – all pointing to the fact that his chances of making it to the end of his presidency in 2024 are slim and none, thus the chances and/or the odds for Kamala Harris becoming President of the United States of American are, if you ask me, exponentially higher than we all care to recognize and/or acknowledge.

So…what if, in fact, Harris becomes the President? If that were the case, I can assure you, the country would go into an even swifter free-fall than the one we are presently experiencing. The first time that I and many other Americans ever became aware of the existence of this woman was during the infamous Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination hearings. For those of you who missed the charade, I can incessantly assure you Harris was one of the, if not [the] most antagonistic, controversial, condescending, and contemptuous member of the Democrats’ panel who participated in the Kavanaugh circus – simply put, she was spiteful at worse and outright repulsive at best. She left a lasting impression on me of what this woman is made of. Little did I suspect then, she could one day become the President of the United States. The fact she, of all people, was selected to be the Vice-President, is, as far as I am concerned, one of the most telling signs of how bad things really are in this nation.

It was during this Kavanaugh hearing that Harris’s true colors came out. One could sense, almost touch her anger; her most evident reverse racism, albeit today she is “conveniently” married to a white man, as much as she openly talks about “white racism”. Even one of her fellow-democrats, Georgia’s Vernon Jones says: “She will do any and everything, say any and everything for power. She is intellectually dishonest, said Jones.

A quick glance at the democrats’ apparent heir-to-the-throne tells us that, while she may be catalogued as “demographically correct” for the Democratic Party, she remains basically a social climber at whatever political expense comes attached to the climb. Some of the Socialists’ price tags that come along with the territory include but are not limited to, her open support for AOC’s Green New Deal; the increase of taxes to pay for all kinds of Big Government subsidies. On domestic economic policies, à la Marx, à la Castro in Cuba, and à la Communist China, she openly endorses interventionist policies. For any Cuban-American from the old school, the word “intervention” should bring back memories of a very familiar Communist tactic, does it not?

She wants to empower labor unions, regulate employers – not much separates her from your run-of-the-mill Communist dictators. Harris has repeatedly promised to bypass Congress and take unilateral actions on a whole host of divisive issues such as immigration, the environment, the re-joining of the Paris Climate agreement, the banning of fracking, etc. She has even said that, if she were President, she would do an end-run around Congress on gun control. Harris’ brazenly peremptory arrogance leaves no room but to understand that the woman is nothing short than a dictator on-the-makings. Add to that she is a reverse racist and a true Marxist at heart and, there you have it, my reason[s] for rooting for Joe Biden to remain our President till 2024.

To the more adept political commentators, Harris, they say, much like the biblical story in which Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, Harris was created in the Democrats’ image of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Not much here that is new. What is dangerous, however, is that our country has admittedly changed to where a President nowadays has become virtually unrestrained to enact and pass diktats without the traditional and customary restraints historically imposed by Congress.

Today’s Marxist, Leftist, Communist landscape is ideally suited for a cynical revengeful dictator such as Kamala Harris ready, willing and able to rule with a “iron fist”, not much different than how it is in Cuba, Venezuela, and many other Communist countries before. So, there you have it folks. Now that you have made it to the end of today’s narrative, perhaps, you too will join-in with me and agree that bad as it is, given the choices, I much rather have Joe as President than this Harris rat. Hope you do as well. God save us and God save the United States of America.


  1. Personally, I think she’s already governing. Puppet Joe’s strings are moved by her. I agree with you though, let’s hope he’s alive by 2024. At least with him as President, hers is a somewhat controlled agenda.

  2. Hi Maricely. I don’t think she is governing yet. I think Puppet Joe’s strings are more in the hands of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pelosi, AOC and who knows who else. I am sure Kamala is also participating in the handling of the marionette, but I think they are saving her for the bigger role of President however soon the clown gives up or is forced to give it up. Thank you Maricely. Appreciate your comments always my friend.


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