The “Duck Test”

“if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duct, then it probably is a duck.”


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My dear friends, followers. I take it you all have heard the ageless expression: “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duct, then it probably is a duck.” The duck test is a form of abductive reasoning. The test implies that a person[s] can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject’s habitual characteristics.

To me personally, one of the most intriguing, paradoxical, and enigmatic dilemmas I have ever encountered in my perception on all that is currently going on here in the United States is the pervasive reluctance to call a spade a spade. Namely, the obvious denial by most all political public figures to use the words “communist” and “communism.” Other than the occasional use of the term “Marxist” or “Marxism”, the preferred substitutes in what I interpret as a “vernacular of deceit”, includes but is not limited to terms such as Socialists, The Left, Progressives, Liberals, and others like it.

In fact, whether we realize it or not, we have all been systematically programmed to accept this conveniently deceptive lingo of distraction. The big question on this behavior is: Why? Why is it that not even the most renown conservative talk-show hosts; conservative radio and T.V. personalities, ever make mention of the words communist and communism?

I can understand a great majority of mainstream Americans, who are, for all practical purposes illiterate, uneducated, and ignorant, not to understand what Communism all is about. Vis-à-vis, I find it intriguing that some of the leading conservative political commentators, presumably, those with a higher intellectual capacity, well-versed, seasoned analysts, and experienced political observers, seldom, if ever, make mention of the terms communist and communism – wonder why?

Ironically, for many Cuban Americans, those of us who got a first-hand taste of Fidel Castro’s Revolution in the 1960’s, we, the baby-boomer generation; we, who were exposed to communism at an early age, the symptoms of the “duck-test” were ever so pathetically prevalent in the Democrats’ platforms of recent times. I am sure the same holds true for many of the Venezuelan compatriots that came face to face with communism in their homeland as well. You may even say that for both these groups, Cubans and Venezuelans, the handwriting was on the wall. Matter of fact, for many of us, the dialect of deceit, the use of all the preferred substitutes, other than communist or communism are really an insult to our intellect.

Not only that, but I am also going to take this whole issue one step further. My contention is that you simply cannot expect to cure a disease unless you have identified it. In the medical world, all malignancies must be first diagnosed and then treated accordingly. The same holds true for the political world, I guess. So long as we keep giving Democrats’ the benefit of the doubt by calling their political system by all other labels except the real one, we will never be able to change or do away with the prevalent ailment now afflicting our nation – the rampant and fundamental transformation to a Communist State, as first committed to by the nation’s first communist President, Barack Hussein Obama.

In my continued search for answers to this inscrutable paradox, I have come-up with several possibilities, none which, I can construe to be mutually exclusive. At the top of my list, I place a denial syndrome – the historical confidence that Communism could never happen in the United States – any place but in the United States was a nationwide shared sentiment. Mind you, not altogether baseless. All things told, up until very recent, it was not only reasonable but outright assumable that the aegis of Communism could never gain tract in the U.S.

The fact that the U.S. was traditionally looked upon by the rest of the world as the foremost emblem of liberty, democracy, and capitalism made it virtually impossible to conceive that communism would ever set foothold in this nation; in the country that had become known as “the land of opportunity” – the only country in the world that made it possible to fulfill the so-called “American Dream”, to wit, a national ethos, a set of ideals which includes the unlimited opportunity to prosper and succeed.

So…where and when, did things go wrong? Following is a one man’s opinion, my very own, on what changed the course of history in the US. To make my point[s], a bit of history is a must. Ironically, this nation went from an obsessive-compulsive disorder [COD] about communism in the 1950’s to a complete turnaround – a love-at-first-sight that followed in the next 50 years. From 1950 to 1954, there was, as a matter of fact, a vociferous campaign against alleged communists and communism in the US government and other institutions carried out under then Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Unlike today’s pervasive corruption at top levels of organizations such as the FBI, back in the 1950’s John Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States, stood firm in front of the House Committee on un-American Activities and committed to protect and defend the United States against the menace of Communism and Fascism. Ironically, back in the day, Hoover’s role and that of the FBI were the oversight of anything and everything that smelled like Communism – what a difference a day makes, does it not?

So…all told, the nation went from an all-out compulsion to where we literally thought the country and all its institutions were outright plagued with communists and communism to a reverse-psychological mode; to a complete reversal in our state-of-mind, whereby the Democrats cleverly seized the opportunity of the moment, to further introduce communism while defending its introduction under the compulsion banner of the critics. As a result, our 180◦ degree turnaround, the words communism and communists simply vanished. And people like myself who continue to warn against this, the evilest system known to mankind, we are looked upon as fanatics, extremists, and / or obsessive-compulsive. Really?

Regretfully, with time, McCarthyism declined and eventually died in the U.S., and the term communism has since become synonymous with “defamation of character or reputation. I believe then that the end of McCarthyism was also pivotal in nation’s future reluctance and unwillingness to label anything as communist – that simple. All the while, again, as the Democrats and the U.S. Communist Party, cleverly seized the opportunity to uninterruptedly continue their crusade of transforming the U.S. into a full-blown Communist State.

Well, there you go friends. I do not know, but, as far as I am concerned, the prevalent resistance, defiance, and unwillingness to use the words communist and communism to define the current Democrat’s administration and its leading actors, is just a major disfavor to the American people and to the future of this great nation.

Our continued reluctance to identify the present Democrat administration as an outright communist system is the same as giving Democrats a Carte-Blanche pass to continue their transformational crusade. By doing so, by refusing to call a spade-a-spade, we are all both, subliminally and rationally, contributing to one of the most unfathomable disinformation campaigns ever – the same disinformation crusade which has made it plausible for the American people, to democratically elect not one but two communist presidents within the last twelve years.

My dear friends, my fellow-Americans, it is not Socialism; it is not Progressives; it is not Liberals; it is not Radicals; it is not “the Left”, it is, plain and simple, communism at its best – about time we all understand once and for all that: “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duct, then it probably is a duck.” It is a duck friends. May God save us and may God save the United States of America.


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