Repulsive Indictment of Donald Trump

You can all circle this day in your calendars as the date which will officially mark the end of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America


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My fellow Americans, friends, followers, you can all circle this day in your calendars as the date which will officially mark the end of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America in the history books. The formal accusation of former President Donald Trump will go down in the history books as yet [the] greatest “day of infamy,” same as the day coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt when the Empire of Japan attacked the United States military bases at Pearl Harbor, marking our entry in WWII.

As much as even President Trump himself had announced he would be arrested in prior weeks, as much as, in the days that followed, there was a general consensus that N.Y.’s kangaroo Grand Jury could have had second thoughts, and the entire hoax would go away. A couple of hours back, however, the nation learned that it was not only not going away but it was, instead, very much an unthinkable reality, an impossible nightmare. Then again, this will only help us realize, finally, who the real enemy is.

Today, March 30th, 2023, is a day of mourning, is a day of sadness, is a day of anger, is a day where every single decent American, every true American who loves his birthplace, every person who loves this nation, every person who loves democracy, should finally, should, once and for all, understand that this is no longer the United States of America that was once the free Constitutional Republic we all thought of as the sanctuary for freedom; the refuge for the millions of truly oppressed legal immigrants from all over the globe; the nation for which many true Americans offered their lives in all of our wars; the nation which our noble forefathers willed us when they signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.

Ironically, most legal scholars, most every single political commentator, I have heard naively claim there is little legal basis for Trump’s formal accusation. Honestly, I chuckle every time I hear this which tells me that, even the brightest minds in the business are still, to this day, going by metrics that are non-existent in the new United States. Folks, please, please, the days of “legal” basis, are no longer true in our new dictatorship. The old “rule-of-law” is outdated under our present Left autocratic dictatorship. About time we all wake up and smell the coffee, don’t you think?

I also chuckle when I hear so many say this case will not go anywhere while they rationalize all kinds of legal technicalities on which, they claim, it will not hold up in courts and will be eventually dismissed. I say, really? Again, this would probably be true if we were in our old Constitutional Republic. We are not friends. Wake up. In our new third-world Banana Republic, the end justifies the means. Pay attention, the despicable democrats will not stop until they lock-up the only man that had the guts to stand up to the Communist crusade that has silently invaded this nation.

New York happens to be one of the nation’s largest strongholds for Democrats, they will make sure to find 12 New Yorker’s and a Liberal judge that hate Trump as much as to be willing to convict him, regardless. They will not stop until they do that. It is time, friends, we all realize what we are up against. This is not an issue of different Parties having different political platforms, all within the scope of the same Constitutional Republic ideals.

This is not the same old Constitutional Republic where the people democratically elect their President. This is a new Marxist Socialist Dictatorship where the opposing Party’s leadership is taken-out by none other than a Black, low life, Soros financed District Attorney, which, obviously represents today is prevalent “Reverse Racism” that reigns supreme in a nation that has been utterly divided by a Party seeking to remain in power at any costs.

I am repulsed, nauseated, and sickened by where we have come to be as a nation. Trump’s formal accusation is a formal accusation on each and every one of us who believes in freedom, in liberty and in democracy. Our Democrats’ government today, is all but what the name implies. We are today no more, no less than another third-world Banana Republic, governed by a coalition of U.S. haters who have managed to divide and conquer us.

Shame on all who have fallen for the farce, the travesty, the circus, the sham that characterizes this clan of U.S. haters; this coterie of U.S. misanthropes; this militant in-group of hypocritical and immoral liars from our Corrupt in Chief President to every Useful Idiot who voted for our Orwellian administration.

Trump’s formal accusation is a symbolic pratfall comedy which should serve every single decent American as a distressful wake-up call to the realization that we are being left with but a single way out of the absolute destruction we are headed under our new rulers. I hate to say it I even think our hopes for electing a Republican President in 2024 via democratically sanctioned elections as we used to do in our old Republic our quickly vanishing. Our only way out of this mess may just be another Boston Tea Party – a significant revolt by “The People” in the makings of the American Revolution which eventually led to our freedom from the British rule.

Ironically, the American Civil War, was fought by many Whites on behalf of many of the same who, like D.A. Alvin Bragg today are fighting to destroy those who liberated them. Maybe the time is ripe for yet another Civil War, this one, not between the Union and the Confederacy, but between righteous Americans and a raggedy gang of low-life Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Progressives out to take God out of our lives and fundamentally transform our great nation into that a new weaponized Marxist Police State willing to indict their ex-President. God save us and God save the United States of America


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