Saint Joe – Biden’s National Speech

I think this man, besides being a blithering idiot, he is a compulsive liar, a pitiful narcissist, a phony, and a hypocrite all rolled into one.


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Do not know if you watched last night Joe Biden’s speech. If you did, I must congratulate every person in this nation. Bet you all did not know that we had elected a president who, besides all his obvious talents, his unrivaled intellect, his cultured ability to read teleprompters, his memorable career as former vice-president and U.S. Senator, bet you did not know that we also had a president who is a physician-scientist, immunologist, with a specialty in Infectious Diseases and the nation’s chief medical advisor, who, all by himself, has been able to control the COVID-19 pandemic.

Credit must be given to this extraordinary man, who, single-handedly was able to come up with several vaccines and rightfully claim he will kill the virus in 7 weeks. Actually, if you are of the Catholic faith like I am, from here on out, you must begin to look at this Joe Biden and start thinking of him as “Saint Joe” – the man definitely has some supernatural curing powers raising him to a sanctity stature, no doubt about it.

In addition, my dear friends, followers, especially fellow democrats, my heartfelt congratulations to all as, besides all else, our esteemed President, Joe Biden, has, on top of it all, extraordinary fortune-telling capabilities albeit he was able to predict that by the next 4th of July,, we will all be able to do a BBQ in our homes with friends and family. In short friends, our nation should be especially grateful that we have now elected a President with Divine Powers.

Enough of the sarcasm. Really now, if you watched Joe Biden’s speech last night, I think this man, besides being a blithering idiot, he is a compulsive liar, a pitiful narcissist, a phony, and a hypocrite all rolled into one. Besides the fact that he cannot tell his wife from his sister; besides the fact that he sometimes questions were he is; besides the fact that he needs a note card to remind him how many Americans have died from the COVID pandemic; besides the fact he could not remember the name of his Secretary of Defense; besides it all, the clown now is set on making us believe it was he who made possible the COVID vaccines, and it is he who knows precisely when, where, and how the pandemic will come to an end.
My answer to Joe Biden’s speech last night as follows. Listen, you Swamp Animal charlatan, the Pfizer vaccine was contracted by Donald Trump last summer to produce 100 million doses of the vaccine, Moderna was contracted by Donald Trump to produce 100 million doses. In addition Donald Trump contracted Johnson & Johnson for 100 million doses, Astrazeneca for 300 million doses, Norvavax for 100 million doses, Glaxosmithkline for 100 million doses. For the record you liar, the Trump administration paid and contracted for the supply of 800 million doses before leaving office. He did so to try and cover vaccines for 400 million people.

So…my dear friends, followers, when President Joe Biden stands in front of a podium in a world-televised press conference to claim that “the previous administration did not do anything to stop the pandemic,” and when he tells the world that it was he and his administration who are solely responsible for ending the pandemic, the man is not only lying, he is ill-intended, he is politicizing a pandemic that has killed over 500,000 Americans and he is actually going back on his demagoguery promise to unite the nation. Man is a total disgrace to Americans.

Think of the hypocrisy when, on the one hand he tells Americans of his resolute desire to end the COVID pandemic and, on the other hand he encourages illegal COVID- infested immigrants to cross the border as a “humanely” motivated practice.

The truth friends is, when this clown first came into the office of President, he did not know diddly-squat about COVID, about vaccines, about anything. He did not have any plans, nothing. They, Biden, and his cronies did not have any idea of what was going on. In terms of the distribution process, Trump brought the Defense Department and HHS to help with the distribution. Matter of fact, the distribution process now being used was entirely the brainchild of the Donald Trump administration folks. For this Joe Biden wimp to have the guts to go on national T.V. and try and get credit for all that Trump did, just goes to tell you the prevalent hypocrisy of this Biden and his administration.

My message to this Joe Biden clown is, why the hell did you not make mention in your teleprompter discourse of Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed”? – a public–private partnership initiated by U.S. President Donald Trump and his administration to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

No credit to Trump for anything right? You know what friends; I am totally repulsed by what I saw last night. I am sickened by all the lying, the out-of-control hypocrisy. To think we have this clown holding the most powerful office in the world is a scary thought. In closing and in summary, suffice to say, for me, Joe Biden’s speech last night was outright an insult to my intellect and an insult to the intellect of the American people. If you disagree with this conclusion, I dare say, shame on you. Oh, and last but not least, if you have already been vaccinated and/or are planning on getting the COVID vaccine, you have one man and one man only to thank for it – that man, by the way, is not Joe Biden. May God save us and may God save the United States of America.



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