The New United States of America

With every day that passes, I see the systematic destruction now taking place in this nation


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Got to tell you, with every day that passes, as I listen to the news, as I see the systematic destruction now taking place in this nation, I cannot help but wonder where all this is going to end. By nature, I have always been the “eternal optimist.” Throughout my life, I have always chosen to see the “glass half full” rather than “half empty.” Now, however, I am to the point where, frankly, I am really beginning to question what is in store for this great nation. What is in store for our children and their children.

If you really think about it, under the Democrat’s regime, as first predicted by the Manchurian candidate Barack Obama, the nation is being systematically transformed, or, better yet, being systematically destroyed. You turn on your T.V., listen to your radio, or read the newspaper, and just about everything that you hear or read, it is all about a chaotic state where our once fundamental values are meticulously being eroded on a daily basis.

In the domestic front, we see a reverse-racism revolution which has rampantly spread to where being White today is synonymous with every evil of society. In our new United States, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer [LGBTQ], is looked upon as [the] ideal or preferred lifestyle. If you are straight, by default you are racist. In our new United States, we see as even underage children are encouraged to embrace transgenderism, including the mutilation of their bodies in order to change their biological identities to the opposite sex.

In our new United States, we see a nationwide revolution to indoctrinate our children with all kinds of deviate ideologies – all designed to confuse their identities as the war between parents and liberalized teachers unions defiantly challenge parent’s rights over their children’s lives. In our new United States, we see how our once thriving motif to live the American dream through the opportunities offered by capitalism and by a capitalist economy are now chastised as though “having made it” is somewhat of a sinful crime for which you ought to be shamed.

To have reached success, again, to “have made it,” to be wealthy, or to have a profitable business, is thought of as a crime against humanity – being successful nowadays is synonymous with being a suppressive fascist, out to take advantage of the less-privileged, namely all Black Americans. Any similarity to the basic principles of Marxism and Communism, purely coincidental, right?

In our new United States, think about it, everything is upside down. The good guys are now the bad guys and vice versa. The police are the bad guys, and the criminals are the good guys, thus the crusades to defund the police, while democrat district attorneys all over diligently try to decriminalize punishments for criminals – all of which has resulted in an anarchic state featuring a heightened state of crime waves seen in most major cities throughout the nation.

In the economic front, what can I tell you? We have runaway inflation, the highest in the last 40 years. Ironically, a byproduct of reckless Democrats’ spending policies, all responding to illusive campaigns designed to transform a fossil fuel-based economy for an illusory save-the-planet Green energy movement, falsely designed to spare us from an inevitable Armageddon, which will result from our climate changes and pollution – a concept promoted by an elite who’s only goal is to self-indulge and enrich themselves from the gullibility of all the Useful Idiots buying into this absolute nonsense.

In our new United States, we hesitantly see as our once respected borders, are now an open invitation for illegal immigrants from all over the world to enter freely into the nation – an open invitation for China and the Mexican cartels to profit by zillions of dollars from the trafficking of humans and from trafficking in deadly doses of fentanyl which has already claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans – all the while as our esteemed Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas continues to swear that our borders are secure.

In our new United States, we see how our once iconic government and law enforcement agencies and institutions such as the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS and others, are weaponized and used as political enforcers on behalf our elitist Marxist government – all the while as our new Orwellian society is monitored and censored and our First Amendment Rights are meticulously suppressed in our new autocratic dictatorial regime.

In the geopolitical arena, never before in the history of the nation, have we seen what we see today. We see, the once glorious leader of the world, now pandering and catering to the whims of rogue world globalists, such as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, all defiantly testing the weaknesses shown by an administration as we showed the world our cowardly retreat from a 20-year war by, willing to sacrifice the lives of 13 American soldiers, by leaving behind billions of dollars in armaments to the enemy and by leaving behind hundreds of thousands of Afghan loyalists who once joined us hand-in-hand in our fight against the enemy. We see spying balloons freely and uninterruptedly hovering over continental U.S., as the Biden administration claims to be investigating the incident – much as they are also investigating Russia’s downing of one of our drones in international airspace while our Generals are more concerned with introducing the woke culture to our armed forces.

Sadly, this unthinkable socioeconomic ideological transformation, has taken hold in the grassroots of mainstream Americans, as illiteracy combined with envy have made it possible for the Democrats’ elitist transformation coalition led by Barack Obama, in conjunction with an ideologically brainwashed news media, all enfranchised by some of the world’s leading globalists, such as George Soros & Co., who succeeded in implanting one of them in the White House – a decisive and unquestionable victory in the unending ideological crusade to change us into a full-blown Socialist / Communist State.

Bottom line, if you, for a moment, thought of the prevalent chaos as merely a trivial coincidence. Got news for you, the prevalent destruction now plainly evident, is not at all an insignificant coincidence, nor an inoffensive platform for the betterment of this nation and its citizens, but is, instead, a well-planned dismantling of all that this nation stood before – a precursory dismantlement seen as an integral part of the radical transformation we are all suffering.

Regret to say it, but…in my humble way of looking at our state of decay, I do not see many ways out of it, including but not limited to even winning the 2024 elections, be it Donald Trump or be it whomever wins the Republican nomination. No matter who, I really cannot see us turning the corner, turning things around as easily as many think we can. Again, humbly, I only see two ways of really turning things around, to wit, one, by the grace of God and God’s Divine Intervention and/or, or by another Civil War – one, the other or both. If you happen to agree with this article, please share it as our voices need to be heard as loud as we possibly can. The only alternative we do not have is to ignore the clear and present dangers now looming on our horizon. May God save us and may God save the United States of America.


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