So you voted for Joe Biden ah?

...before I despised all of you democrats, all you liberals, leftists, socialists, communists. Now, after-the-fact, after 36 days, I simply loathe and despise you all even more.


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So, you are a democrat and voted for Biden, didn’t you? You know what, I can understand and respect anyone who votes for someone, for a Party that exemplifies your own political views, whatever those may be. I will even include those who banner socialism and communism. I can appreciate someone voting for what he or she believes; for his or hers ideals – I will accept it all. What I cannot understand, appreciate or respect is anyone who is willing to vote for someone, for a Party whose platform, whose ideals, beliefs, principles, policies are commonly against their own personal best interests as well as the nation’s best interests. I have not been able to figure that one out just yet. Perhaps you can help.

To now, most of my narratives dealing with this subject sparked some heated debates with my liberal democrat friends, most of them dealing with our passionate differences in ideology, to wit, right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, socialism, communism etc. Today, however, I chose not to get into our historical, common place arguments regarding your choice for president, instead, I wanted to appeal to common sense and try to have a civil dialogue with all you liberal democrats on this critical subject – one which I deem to be in the best interest of every single person living in this great nation.
Let us see now. Today is February 25th, 2021, Joe Biden was inaugurated January 20th, 2021 which means he has been the president for a meager 36 days. So, in a little over a month as head of state, commander in Chief and most powerful statesman in the world, Joe Biden has managed to do more harm to this nation than ever imaginable.

I will preface any further comments with the caveat that, notwithstanding my passionate dislike for democrats, the Democratic Party and for Joe Biden, I had made up my mind to give it all the benefit of the doubt. Right from his inauguration as president, I said to myself, who knows? Maybe, just maybe, I could be wrong. As such I forced myself to leave my passions aside and, again, give the new administration a chance to prove me wrong. Well, I am sorry to say, in the little time since he has been in office, your clown has proven me right; not only by showing me how stupid he is, but how UN-American and hypocritical he is. What a weakling this idiot is.

Let me just make a few comments based on what has transpired so far. O.K. To begin with, the man is running the country on Executive Orders – a quick fix to bypass Congress. But never mind that as all presidents have used this practice, more and more each day to circumvent the typical law-enacting protocols. The very first thing I noticed is virtually every single action taken thus far is a reversal of Trump policies – never mind if some of these policies were good for the country. That did not really matter. It is all about a hate-filled agenda against a man; the country does not matter much, does it? – the priority is “Trump hate”, regardless.

Let us see now. Some of what I thought Trump did for the good of the country the last time I checked. Trump was able to make us energy independent. For the first time in history, we did not depend on the world oil cartels and became exporters of oil and petroleum. Remember, first time ever.

As a result of Trump’s policies, our gas prices at the pumps were lowered. Trump lowered our taxes, did he not? Trump was able to, for the first time in history, put restraints to illegal immigration – one of the nation’s most challenging problems forever and ever. He did away with wasteful government spending programs like the Paris Climate Accord; dealing from strength, he gained the respect of some of our most stringent enemies such as Iran, North Korea, Russia and, yes, Communist China. He lowered our taxes and was able to reach and establish “never-before” landmarks with record-lows of unemployment for blacks and other minorities. He provided for a re-building of our military prowess and he brought back our troops from Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other foreign states, among many others.

So… please, I would like to know which of the above were against your own personal well-being or that of the nation? Or.. am I missing something here?

Now, forget about socialism or communism, I am not even talking about that anymore. One of the first measures of our new president was to put a stop to the Excel Pipeline, which resulted in the loss of 11,000 jobs. Not to mention the ban of gas and oil leases in territorial U.S., which also resulted in an immediate increase in gas prices at the pump and the beginning of our road back to, once again, becoming energy dependent on foreign rogue cartels which hate our guts. Good, really good, right?

Now, I want to briefly pause here and talk a little about this “climate” deal which seems to be a highly delicate issue for many of you democrats. While I personally find all this “climate-warming” deal to have been vastly overplayed for years now; a magnanimously politicized issue created, in my humble opinion, for the economic benefit of some in an elitist mantra of world-saviors such as Al Gore and Co., many of whom, do not hesitate to leave their carbon footprints while flying their Lear Jets purchased with money made on useful idiots who, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, want the rest of us to believe the world will end in the next twelve years due to climate warming. Spare me please!!!

So, speaking of climate warming, one of the most telltale signs of how stupid this Joe Biden is the naming of John Kerry as United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate. Hello! I can’t help it folks, this John Kerry idiot reminds me of the Frankenstein’s monster look-alike, Dad Herman Monster on the 1960’s sitcom “The Munsters” [The Monsters]. This is the same John Kerry who made the Iran deal which, during the Obama administration gave Iranians hundreds of millions of dollars in cash on the promise that the latter would halt their nuclear development plans. Really?
Now as far as “immigration” is concerned, your Biden has really made some headways here, has ne not? Trump’s inhumane policies needed to be reversed, right? Forget the wall, forget ICE, forget border security. Let us give citizenship to 11 million [I think a lot more] immigrants, let us open the borders, and let us get illegal immigrant children out of Trump’s inhumane cages. The bad guys are Trump, ICE, the border law enforcement agents and U.S. citizens, not the illegal immigrants. Hallelujah to sanctuary cities and let us put children in containers with bars in the windows instead of cages. Let the immigrants take jobs of naturally born U.S. citizens, and let us you and I taxpayers subsidize the healthcare of all the illegals coming-in, inclusive of all gang and drug cartel actors. A well-designed Democrat plan to allow illegals to vote for the Democratic Party in the next elections.

You know what, have yet to see one single action by the new President and his Presidential Junta, comprised of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and a whole bunch of assholes that he has named for the new Cabinet, any whatsoever that I can say is for the good of the nation or for the good of you and me. So…guess what? Forget what I think about the prevalent takeover by socialism or communism, let us just focus on the impending results of all that I see happening. Loss of jobs, sinking economy, weakened foreign policies, wasteful spending and pandering to Communist China, Iran, Russia, and other rogue enemies. Out-of-control immigration policies. Oh, and finally, the COVID vaccine availability – the work of Joe Biden, not Trump.

Guess what folks, friends, followers but more specially democrats? Guess what? In these short 36 days, it all seems to be even worse than what I first thought it would be. But…guess what? I am glad it is bad. Matter of fact, I hope it gets worse. I hope it gets really bad so that all of you who voted for this clown and for your repulsive, disgusting, and hideous Party finally get a taste of your own medicine. Do not mind telling you all, before I despised all of you democrats, all you liberals, leftists, socialists, communists. Now, after-the-fact, after 36 days, I simply loathe and despise you all even more. I blame all of you for all that is happening, and I just hope you all live to see the day when gloom and despair makes you regret what you have done to the rest of us; to the 74 million of us who wanted what was best for us and best for the nation. May God save us and may God save the United States of America.


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