Biden’s Classified Docs

In the simplest, most unobstructed way I can put it to you, Joe Biden, by default is “criminally” liable


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So, ever heard the idiom “what goes around, comes around,”? Boy, is this ever so true with our clown President, as he lambasted Donald Trump over his possession of classified documents during a September 18th, interview on “60 Minutes” when CBS’s Scott Pelley asked Biden how he [Biden] felt when he saw the photograph of the top secret documents laid out on the floor at Mar-a-Lago. Biden’s response, which was all over the news was, “How that could possibly happen, how one anyone could be that irresponsible,” Biden response referring to Trump.

That, again, happened only a short three months back. Who could even imagine back then that the clown, would be facing the very same legal predicament as Trump, three months down the line. Again, what goes around comes around. As expected, since the breaking of the story, Biden’s “damage-control” machinery, started full-steam ahead with their historical cover-ups, pretext crusades, albeit with the same proficiency they have been used while disguising Hunter Biden’s criminal ties to China, Ukraine, and Russia.

As always, the denials all presumed us, the American people to be stupid – like, according to Biden, the documents were “inadvertently” misplaced. And, when asked by Fox’s Peter Doocy, the clown said, “the documents were safely stored in his garage with his vintage Corvette,” suggesting to the American people that the safety of the docs could be taken for granted relative to where he parked his vintage toy. Hello!

Needless to say, as expected also, no sooner had the news about Biden’s documents come out in the open, no sooner, there was the inevitable fake news narratives making comparisons between Trump’s ongoing classified documents’ case and Biden’s, while they inconspicuously all try suggesting Trump has had criminal implications, and Biden’s were inoffensive, harmless. Really?

From my own perspective, I really do not understand all the fuzz about neither the relevancy of Biden’s documents, the places where they were first discovered, and all the trivialities now abounding around the topic. As I understand it, where and when really do not make any difference whatsoever. At the end of the day, under U.S. Code 18 & 1924, no government official is allowed to take classified documents outside the National Archives – end of story. Vis-à-vis, even Presidents are not allowed to take them, yet, they are allowed to “declassify” documents, thus giving them a lawful right to have them outside the Archives for that purpose.

In the simplest, most unobstructed way I can put it to you, Joe Biden, by default is “criminally” liable as there is no question he took the classified documents at the end of his term as Vice-President, on January 20th, 2017, and kept the documents for three years in his possession as an ordinary citizen of the U.S., until he became President in 2020. Furthermore, the fact that he became the President of the U.S., did not give him any rights to have the documents, thus making the clown, by default, criminally liable, regardless of the timeline of when and where the documents were found.
As to the lamed comparisons with Trump’s case, one small insignificant, yet magnanimous difference. Trump can rightfully allege; he had all the rights to have been declassifying the documents.

What is my opinion on where all this is going? Well, how about nowhere? Watch, as the brouhaha settles, as the smoke screen clears, our corrupt DOJ, our corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland, will find a way to excuse Biden and find him innocent on all counts, which is an irremediable contradiction to the law of the land – then again, this is our new United States, were laws are only as good as they can be conveniently used for justifying the Democrats in their crusades where the end justifies the means.

About all the melodrama of naming this special counsel, Robert Hur, or whatever his name is, hey, this is just an inescapable part of the cover-up. The corrupt AG Garland had no choice, after doing the same on Trump’s case and after all the circumstantial evidence now made public. Mind you, you could ask Garland, if he was trying to follow the principle of “what is good for the goose is good for the gander,” why did he not also had the FBI raid all of Biden’s residences at the three separate locations where the classified documents were found? Well, I guess you all know the answer to that one, don’t you?

Bottom line, the only one good thing that can come from all this, Biden’s latest scandal, is it will be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible for Garland and his DOJ, to continue Trump’s case –yet one more hoax gone down the drain for all the Democrat bastards. As for the clown, hey, one more “get-out-of-jail” free card, same he has been given in his son’s corruption schemes, where he has always played a keyman’s role from behind the scenes. Bottom line again, we now live in a third-world Banana Republic on steroids where laws are conveniently over-passed as needed. By the way, I would not be at all surprised if Biden’s classified documents were all relative to his son’s “quid-pro-quo” schemes with enemy states.


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